well i have straight hair %26amp; i wanna try sumthin new!! ok well my totally awesome friend told be 1 way by scrunchin curlin gel in ur hair but iz there ne other suggestion? and if there is telll me the names of the products and brands i should use!!
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
ok i have many ideas for u this is the fuirst one you can do its very natural no products used in it wen u have washed ur hair and towel dried it ....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
hoped that helped you ;)
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
Read some useful hair styling tips and more on this site to help you with it
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
Products do not curl your hair they just help to keep the curl in!try using tongs,rollers or when your hair is damp put loads of little braids in take the bands out when your hair is dry and you will have cool curly hair guaranted
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)....tip ur head down hold all ur hair togeva and scrunch it upp into ur fist then get ur difuser (if u dnt have one buy it) and put ur scrunched up hair in the difusser then let it dry in that postion for a minute then move the diffuser round ur head so all the areas dry then turn the difuuser off after 3 minutes scrunch ur hair back up in ur fist roll it up and hold it with a hair clip leave it liek that for an hour or hour and half ....dry the out side bits of ur hair if still wet then after that 1hr -1hr and 30 mins take out ur clip and ur hair shuid be big and curl :P
anova way u cud curl ur hair is buy geten straightners and twistin ur hair around the straithners and pulling it down untill the hair cums out and itll be nurled or waves depenind on how much u go around the str8ners with ur hair ;)
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
stop being a g.i.m.p and make your own mind up, duh
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
U can try perming ur hair or even rollers. After washing ur hair, put rollers in them for 3-4 hours for the hair to get curls. However i must warn you that curly hair are really difficult to maintain and control. Be thankful u have straight hair. i Have curly hair too.
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
get the perm with large rollers. I did it yesterday and i love my new look with the wavy hair.
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
judging by your avatar....
if you hair doesnt have a natural curl and isn't chemically processed. then you wouldnt need the rollers. but if it is....you need rollers and a good setting lotion. I would suggest lottabody. purple and white bottle for around 3 bucks at walmart. or a nice clear gel. I prefer a thick one. elasta qp glaze is a good one.
you can use magnetic rollers or flexirods. flexirods would give you more of a spiral. roll your hair one way with the rods and close it the other way so that they wont be crappy when you take them down. if you have thick hair that isnt naturally curly or wavy, then i would suggest lots of the smaller ones. same as if you use magnetic ones.
only take your rollers out when your hair is completely dry. although you dont have to do this on wash day. you can do it any other day or night but take your rollers out when your hair is dry of water and product.
if you use sponge rollers, get some papers that go on the roller to keep it from drying your hair out. the beauty supply store has them. ask for them if you don't see them.
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
Depending on the length of your hair a simple trick to achieving waves would be to put your hair in braids (remember not make these braids too tight or you will damage your hair.) after you wash and towel dry My daughter does this at night before bed.. In the morning when its dry , you remove the braids you will have soft waves . use a pick not a hairbrush to comb the soft waves. You can also use a little gel or mousse . If you find your hair is too wavy you can just wash it and the waves will disappear. You can adjust the amount of braids you put in your hair as to how much wave you want. This is the easiest and simplest way to achieve wavy hair and its not permanent. It still gives you the versatility to wear your hair straight or wavy. Good luck :)
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
with a (curling) iron or rollers
I want my hair curly or wave, tell me how i shud do it!!?
wash your hair. then part it in little 1'' by 1'' squares. braid the hair in each square, tie a rubber band at the end of each braid. spray some hair spray on your hair and let it air dry or sit under a drier. then when it is dry, take the rubber bands of and undo the braids. it should be wavy
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