I have no idea what to do. I posted almost the same question a couple other times i want super straight hair all day. ALL DAY. Usually I straighten it in the morning and by 2nd period, its frizzy, and flared out. I use everything, a straightner, a straightening serum, straightneing gel, and straightning hair spray. All the other girls' hair is straight and perfect. Naturally I have a little bit wavy and flared out hair. Is it my straightner? My first one was crappy so I bought the infiniti by conair (the actual flat iron) I really need help! thanks!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? I know what youre going through girl. Here's what to do. Use Herbal Essence Super STraigh shampoo.. Only use conditionor 3 times a week, and if its on a day you want it completely straight, well, dont! Heres the best thing. Shower at night. Use the super straight shampoo. When you get out of the shower, use a VERY LITTLE BIT of super hold mouse and a little bit of paul mitchel sculpture cream/wax. Then blow dry your hair. Put the top half in a bun on top of your head (still moist) and then clip peices of whats left up.. Start with the bottom layer, put a little bit of sculpture wax through the strands and use a large round metal based brush (trust me) and blow dry sections at a time. do the very bottom , unclip the next inch of hair blow dry that (using the round brush underneath, and the blowdryer on top blowing at the rounded brush) when you get to the top thats in abun, let it out of the bun, blow dry the same way as the bottom. (your hair will have a slight curve to it) then sleep with it completely dry, not in a pony tail and exactly as youve left it. In the morning use a dry hair straightening syrum (very little) hot iron it (straighten it) and after youre done, put a little bit of sculture wax in it. Take the little wax bottle with you, and as you see your hair frizzing (if it does) put less an eraser size in your hands spread it around and run your hands through your hair
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? go to the salon
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? A hair emergency. I wish I had problems like that!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? There have been some ads on the TV lately here in the UK for a shampoo system that keeps your hair straight and frizz free. I think it's either Loreal or Pantene or maybe garnier have a look on those company websites they may do the brand where you live.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? I've got some "There's Something About Mary" hair gel you can use...
Would that be helpful...?
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? I've used a cheap straightener before and it has never really worked for me (the ones over a hundred normally work amazingly) and I have the same problem you have. Try using hair spray or get permanent hair straightening.
Try chi hair straightening. Other than that you can't really do anything and posting the same question a million times won't either. You won't get anymore answers or any better or different ones.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? honey conair is about as usefull as buying a pregnancy test at the dollar store! you need a "chi" they are about $150 but it will change your life! you also need to be using "straight sexy hair" shampoo and conditioner you can get it at trade secret! DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FOR YOUR HAIR AT A GROCERY STORE!!! trade secret is the ONLY place to get hair products! its expensive but worth it! TRUST ME!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? Some hair just won't do what you want it to. Short of having it chemically straightened I think you've tried it all. Maybe it's time to find a hairstyle that cute with the way your hair naturally is....
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? try taking a shower in the morning and just conditioning it... towel dry ur hair then blow dry until its just a little damp... add ur serum that u use, and a little mousse, then try working the flat iron through ALL layers of your hair, if you just do the top layer that mmight be part of the problem make sure once you do the top layer, you pick it up and do the hair underneath it. hope it works! :)
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? I just used Herbal Essence hello hydration for the first time.
I was kinda disappointed because it REALLY laid my frizzy hair down. I think when i wash again I will only condition the ends.
But my hair is laying pretty darn straight and not near as frizzy.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? yea mine won't stay str8 either. see all these chicky's with perfect str8 hair with no frizzies...
just won't happen on my head. But you do need to use a comb NOT A BRUSH on wet hair to help with the breakage.
Other than that, you got all the products. I'd say you're gonna have to go to a salon and ask. Everyone's hair is different. Mine is naturally straight but it won't stay like board straight %26amp; no matter what I do, the frizzies are there!!!
Sorry no more help....if you find out what to do, please let me know...LOL
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? gurlfrend i think u should change ur straightner cuz my 1 is good i straight my hair and it neva gets frizzy till i take a shower so its ur straightner probably!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? If you want your hair to be straight you can have it chemically straightened. It will last, the only problem is like with any hair service, it should be professionally maintained. Which means that you would have to visit a salon every 4-8 weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? CONAIR SUCKS plain and simple buy a chi....
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? try getting you hair relaxed at a salon.
or you could invest in a good straightener.
when you use a drugstore brand straightener, in most cases the temperature doesnt go that high so you have to go over it again and again to acheive that straight look but it does so much damage to your hair. when you invest in a more expensive brand, the temperature goes highr so you go over your hair a less amount of times resulting in less damage.
i heard that CHI was the best brand for heat tools but i have never used it myself.
you might also want to use a very good conditioner. matrix seems to be the best brand so you can try that.
i know it might seem silly to spend alot of money on hair things but in the long run, it will be well worth it. especially with the straightener because it lasts much longer than drugstore brands.
you also want to use some sort of hair product after you have towel dried your hair or it will get frizzy!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? i sorta know how u feel, but my hair is naturally staright, but it flips out at the ends.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? I have the same hair straightener and my hair is straight all day unless moisture gets to it. Try using Purology Antiflade Complex Superstraight. Its in a blue bottle. You can buy it at any drug store or salon. Its cheaper at the drug store and it works great. Also, use acomb on wet hair, not a brush. It causes damage. Chemically straightened hair is VERY BAD. It fries the **** out of your hair.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? Its too dry. Try using something to give it more body. If I don't wash my hair for three days it will lie straight as can be. Wash it and it frizzes and flies away. Not that I don't want to wash my hair but living where I live and the way I live its not always practical.
Give it more body. That is give it volume. Thats in right now anyway. I like Tresemme! Or maybe try something called Brazil Nut Define. A good body conditioner adds oil to your hair. Just like mine gets when I cannot wash it. Leave it dirty or condition it for body. You choose:^) Hey, I'm serious. I may not be a lady but I didn't spend 30 years living with one and not learn anything.
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? sounds like you have the same hair type I have.
I tried a straightener cause EVERYONE told me they were SO awesome..... It didn't work for me either. I would straighten it and it made it dry and as soon as I went outside back came the waves and the frizz!
They only thing that I have ever found that actually helped tame my hair was getting a perm combed through it....
NOW i know some people will throw up their hands in disgust at the "P" word but they just don't understand that not everyone has the same type of hair and not everyone can afford their high dollar salon products on a daily basis.
Seriously a combed through perm (done by a professional) kept my hair flat and unfrizzy. I was also able to curl it when I wanted.
If you do decide to go this route get you some good hydrating shampoo and conditioner because perms tend to dry out your hair but if done by a professional your hair should suffer less than having to use a heated straightener everyday.
Good luck to you!
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? well my hair is naturally wavy and i can get it sitck straight if i wanted too.
but if ur hair is thick and curly then it will be alot harder..u will need to go to a salon and hav it professinaly straightened..bewcuz curly hair will just get frizzy.
but sinceu said alil wavy il giv u my advice.
first off i dont think its ur straightner becuz i use a cheap one and it works fine on mine.,..and it sounds like u got a good one so dont worry about that.
and maybe the reason y it gets so frizzy is if its humid or ther is alota mostire in the school??
but if i wer y id get a straighten shamppoo and conditioner..they say that shampoo is actually much more important then conditioner..so at least get that..sumthin by sunsilk maybe?
and then when ur hair is wet put alittle bit of this stufff called frizzbusters..its serum and it works great..u cant put that much on it becuz it eill make greasy..u can ge that at target or sallys beauty supply.
and also look for a product that has silocone in it to put on ur hair when its dry..even tho i dont kno if u will need it after the frizzbusters!
and wen u go to straighten ur hair u need to do it by section...so that means but all of it up but the bottom part and straightne that then let a little down straigthen that and so forth..so then u can get all ur hair and ther arent ones that will be frizzy or wavy
and if ur hair doesnt get alittle firzzy put it into a cute messy pony tail..thats always cute
Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? PUT SOME MILK IN A SPRAY BOTTLE. Spray on the hair when damp, and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with shampoo. This straightens the hair and give it a shine.
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Seriously, can someone help me with my hair???!? baby girl what's your name
you lookin nice
let me buy you a drink
talk to me i talk back
you want money,, honey i got a stack!!!