Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bleach and hair dye.?

okay so yeah. i tried dying my hair a certain auborn/brownish reddish color with some revlon hair dye. this is my first time and im naturally black. im the kind of person to gel and spike up my hair so when you look at me you can hardly notice the color in my hair unless i leave it unspiked and ungelled. i was reading this magazine and it said to make your hair more noticable you have to bleach it. and i'm thinking about doing that. is it safe ? what's the risks of me doing it

Bleach and hair dye.?


well errm u can fu.k ur hair up.

Bleach and hair dye.?

you have to get blonde hair dye put through your hair to make your hair lighter then the auburn/brown will be more noticable in your hair

Bleach and hair dye.?

pea is right. but if you screw up ur hair then just dye it back to ur natural hair color

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