Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wetting my hair?

Hey people, im 21 yrs of age. havent lost any of my hair yet. However, i have stopped using gel since the age of...about 17. I apply water to my hair and it stays wet, which people find it amazing to believe since they always think its gel.

But my question is, Does applying water to a persons head and leaving it on cause any damage to hair? or "mens hair?"


Wetting my hair?


I am a hair stylist and all this stuff about hair gel is damaging is'nt completely true. It all depends on the actuall gel that you are talking about.

Anyway, thats quite amazing how you get the wet look after hair drying, however, this could cause a build up of the wrong minerals and nutrients on top of the ones that the hair need in order to keep healthy. If you like doing this when you go out that fine, but for everyday you may start to notice a few hair changes, so just dont do it all the time and make sure you use a good shmapoo and conditioner to remove build up and protect hair. For what you do some type of serum would be good to protect your hair agains build-up and damage of rotting that the water may cause.

-Also do you use tap water? If possible change to a bottled/mineral water leaving less nasty deposits on your hair-

Just to say also, hair is hair whether its mens or womens is beyone the point completely.

Hope the info was helpful i provided :-)

Wetting my hair?

I wouldnt see why, using gel seems to be more damaging to me...... you must have thick hair...

Wetting my hair?

it will rot u hair after awhile

Wetting my hair?

yeah its gonna rot after ahwile

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