Monday, July 27, 2009

How can I get back my thick, poofy, super volumized, straight hair back?

for starters, im desperate but here's my story. until i had to change my hairstyle in highshool, my hair was really thick, really poofy, and really really volumized. i'm azn so i love this since i spiked up my hair everyday. it would grow out 3-4 inches and it would stay up still witout gel. if my hair was down after a shower, a few minutes of blowdrying my hair back would make it stay up all day and night. waking up the next morning was half the fun since I'd see a big azn afro.

BUT... since my high school was a strict private school, i was forced to change it to something much more conservative. after 2 years of having my hair down and sometimes split down the middle, i can't get my hair up like it was anymore. my hair isnt as long as before and it has trouble spiking up or staying spiked up. also my hair doesnt seem as thick as before. it tends to split in the middle when it gets a little bit long as well. i don't understand why the big change in my hair. advice?helpful products?

How can I get back my thick, poofy, super volumized, straight hair back?

just leave it alone for a while, and rub it real good once in a while.

How can I get back my thick, poofy, super volumized, straight hair back?

seek your hairdresser for advice.

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